Got that Bourbon Street steak with the Oreo shake

Good morning! It’s Friyay! For the sake of moving the story along, we’ll say that I slept through the night without getting up twice because my knee locked up, and of course, having to pee.

It’s wicked windy out there today. Winds of about 50kph. It may not be that fast when you convert to mph, but I’m in the prairies, so that mean flat flat, flaaaaat land, with nothing to break up the wind or slow it down.

After work, I have to walk up to Shady Acres to drop off some mail, and to pick up the truck, because I’ll be going for some groceries tomorrow morning. Not a lot, but enough to make it another couple of weeks before the next pay cheque. I just think it’ll be nice to get out of TinyTown for a couple of hours.

But right now, coffee and some news. Happy Friyay everyone!

Hangin’ out the passenger side of his best friend’s ride

Extreme cold. Yep that’s the truth. It’s currently -29c and -38c with the wind. Oh, and we’re expecting more snow sometime today. Fun.

I slept almost all the way through the night. Only getting up once to go to the the bathroom. I think I was cold in the night as I tried to drag 60lbs worth of weighted blankets around. The bed look like a war zone! I’ll have to fix that tonight.

I woke up this morning believing that it’s Friday. I have to force myself to drop that idea, or I’m going to be very disappointed tomorrow morning.

Oh, and congrats to the Canadian Woman’s hockey team that defeated the Americans at the Olympics. Woohoo!

I could be wholesome, I could be loathsome, I guess I’m a little bit shy

Good morning party people! It’s that day of the week. The only day that matters: (if you don’t work on a Saturday) Friyay!

I’m up and dressed. I almost slept until my alarm. Yep, that’s right, I made it to 6:51 this morning. That’s a bit of alright if you ask me.

Just an 8 hour shift to make it through, and I’ll be on the side of the angels. The side of the weekend!

But first, coffee. According to my weather app, we’re expecting about 72mm over the next two days. Not too bad at all. I’m not expecting to really go anywhere this weekend, except for Shady Acres on Sunday.

Let’s get the weekend started!

And just like the guy whose feet are too big for his bed

Ok, so I reset my bed before going to sleep last night. I woke up at 6:30 stuffed up, and oh so very warm. Maybe tonight, I’ll still reset my bed, but then I’ll turn it down to one before going to sleep. I managed to sleep, very lightly, until 6:59.

Here I am.

It’s still wicked cold out. I don’t think that it’ll ever be warm and sunny again.

This is life north of the wall.
