Canada Post vs USPS

Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.

I wish Canada Post was like this. It snows 4 inches and there’s a note at the post office saying No mail deliver today…. Sorry.

Case in point. I think that I sent Crystal a package basically at the same time as she sent one to me. The package I sent to her is out for delivery. OUT FOR DELIVERY. The one she sent me has been sitting in CaptialCity – next province over for two days. It’s sitting there like a scared kitten in a basement. Frozen, not moving.

In the past I’ve watched a package sent to me, get to CaptialCity in my province, sit there, and the go to the next province over, then come back to my province to be sent to my town.

And, NO MAIL DELIVERY ON SATURDAYS. It just shuts down here. Don’t even get me started on text or email updates here. They offer email updates. It doesn’t work. I’ve tried.

Well, at least Crystal will be able to enjoy the greatness that is Hanch today. That’s what matters! And she can destroy something beautiful – a donated Twilight book for one of her gorgeous wreaths!

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