Book haul, but not for me

So yesterday, while I was in CapitalCity, one of the main goals was to find this specific book for my dad for Father’s Day.

Let me preface this by saying that my dad isn’t a reader. I believe he may be on the spectrum, and has a heathy dose of dyslexia. It’s very very hard for him to do any reading. When he was studying for all of his mechanics courses, he would literally memorize the entire book for the course. My mom would read all of them to him.

Anyways, I told him about this book a couple of weeks ago, and immediately was very interested in it, and was asking a lot of questions about it. So like I said getting this book was one of the main reasons to drive 2.5 hours to a city that actually had a book store.

I get to the book store and find the last copy of it. I was so happy, I think I did a little happy dance right there in the store.

I have a YouTube video for him to watch, and then he’ll be able to make his own murder wall!

I have all the faith in the world that he’ll solve this mystery!

Butterfly in the sky, I can go twice as high

It’s been a hot minute since I’ve posted a book haul, but here it is. It was my birthday a couple of days ago, and Crystal got me a book. She’s really really REALLY good at choosing strange, weird, and wonderful books for me. She’s been responsible for all my amazing books.

She didn’t fail this time either! I’m proud to present –

According to a random blog post about this book there’s 15,511,210,043,330,985,984,000,000 different ways to read this 60s masterpiece. I don’t know if that’s true, or if that blogger is just blowing smoke up my ass.

I’m very excited to read this bad boy. Should I read it how it was presented to me when I opened the front cover, or should I shuffle it more and dice in that way?

Like I said in my previous post, I went to a second hand store, and found a book that completes my movie cover collection of the Twilight Saga! Yay for completionism!

But first, The Unfortunates!

Looking back – a year ago

So Crystal installed a way back machine on the site when I hit 365 days of posts, and yesterday I saw a book post from last year asking what 3 books that I would bring if I was marooned on a deserted island.

Last year, I said I’d bring:

Twilight. Because, it’s Twilight, possibly one of the greatest vampire love stories of the 20th century. ‘Nuff said.

House of Leaves. Because, it’s a totally immersive book that you can almost take a bite of. It pulls you in all the way.

Ship of Theseus. Again, another immersive book. Looking back, I’d probably lose all the extras that are stuffed in the book.

I saw the post, and was inspired to update the list. There’s only one that has stayed the same. Can you guess which one? I bet you dollars to donuts, that you cannot guess which book will be the same as last year.

The first book is one that I haven’t read yet, as I’m waiting for October to read a horror book. The first book that I would bring to a deserted island would be The Troop by Nick Cutter.

The second book I would bring is the last book that I finished – Bats of the Republic by Zachary Thomas Dodson. It was a great book that pulls you in from the first page. I’m sure there’s so much more to learn about the world that Dodson created.

The last book is ….

Wait for it ….

Are you shivering in antici…..

…. pation?

The last book is House of Leaves. If you haven’t read it yet, then all that you have read couldn’t have possibly prepared you for HoF.

Until next time book nerds!

Book Club: The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle

Ok book nerds, I’m really trying to get back into the swing of things and actually try to bring back the Lockup Library Book Club.

So for the balance of this month, and probably next month, the book is going to be The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton.

I just started to read it yesterday afternoon, and I’m totally hooked. I can’t wait to have a chance to sit down and read some more!

Until next time, book nerds!