Here I am, I’m still alive. I just really needed to nap when I got home. I am sleeping well at night, but damn, I’m really not liking getting up early. I don’t mind either shift. I prefer getting out earlier, but I like to sleep in.
Work wasn’t too bad today. A bit slower than yesterday. But you can’t always hit them out of the park. And that’s ok. Wednesdays and Fridays are always hurry up and wait. Those are our grocery deliveries. The big boss usually gets to the store around 12:30, give or take. Today, he sent someone else, that pretty much rolled in around 1 today. So I gave it my all for 15 minutes. The other fifteen minutes were spent helping customers outside.
Tonight is taco night! We get to gorge ourselves with meat, cheese, sour cream and spicy sauce. I can’t wait. I was very excited when Crystal told that’s what we were going to have.
I get to do this wondrous stuff all over again tomorrow! Colour me excited!