Stayin’ the whole night through it feels so good to be with you

Here I am. Mostly awake. I went down for a nap, and I don’t think that I actually slept. It was the lightest sleep possible. we are not impressed.

Yesterday wasn’t too bad. It was a weird night. Both me and TisimBoy were off our games. Last Sunday they up graded out POS system, and were basically the bug finders. No bugs, just none of the cables are actually tightened to the computer. Meh. We got it working again.

From there, I had to fly home, eat some cake (because…. cake), smoke some weed, and go to bed, because 4:39 came in like a wrecking ball. I get up, and head to the bathroom. Just to hammer my funny bone agains the door knob. Ow! So my arms hurting.

Worked until early afternoon, and that brings us full circle to the first paragraph. Tonight’s dinner- cheeseburgers! And don’t forget the fries. I can’t wait. I’m hungry.

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