Spit me out like hot wasabi

Good morning everyone. I know it’s afternoon. But I do what I want. I tried out my new sleep mask last night, and it didn’t fall off in the night. I slept, but I don’t think it was too restful. I was up early, because I was all stuffed up. I woke Crystal up with my snoring, so we’ll go to bed either in time or early tonight, even though I have tomorrow off.

It was pretty slow customer wise at work, but we got a delivery, so we put that away. We dealt with the customers that did come in. It was pretty slow/steady. I scrolled to the end of the internet on YouTube shorts, and saved about 110 of them to show Crystal when I got home.

Other than that, not too much is going on. We’re having burgers and fries for dinner tonight. Those’ll be yumtastic fo sho.

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