So much for all your highbrow Marxist ways just use me up and then you walk away

I’m awake. The Beautiful One let me sleep in again. Hopefully, she got to sleep a little later than normal? But she weals probably up early as per usual.

We took off to SlightlyBiggerTown yesterday morning. We hit all of our usual spots, with one deviation: the fabric store. We went in to find a pattern for Crystal to practice her craft. We found one after a few minutes of looking in the pattern books. I pointed out a couple of neat looking ones to her, and she like all Beautiful Ones, took it under advisement. But she charts her own course, and chose one that I wouldn’t have noticed.

After that we drove back to TinyTown. While Crystal put away the groceries, I fuelled up my mom’s truck and returned it to her. I walked back to the Flat, and hunkered down to have lunch. From there we really didn’t do too much. The Beautiful One slept like shite the night before, so she hunkered down to nap, but ending up really getting into some PBS Nova shows. So we had a nice and relaxing afternoon, and we learned a few things as well.

It was a pretty nice Friday for sure. Bring on Saturday!

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