So if I gotta die I’m gonna listen to my body tonight, yeah

Good morning, happy New Year, my friends. I hope the new year will be 100s of times better than 2022. Now you just have to write 2023 when you’re dating stuff. Don’t worry, by June, you should be in the habit of doing that. Until then just keep trying.

We actually made it to midnight, and this totally counts. It was 11:45, and Crystal said let’s just go to be now. By the time we’re finished in the bathroom, and are in bed, it’ll be after midnight.

Damn, she’s smart. It was pretty much perfect timing. We kissed and got comfortable, it was midnight. The start of a new year. And now, here we are.


We didn’t really party like it was 1999. We got up. Watched some Dateline, and drove to SlightlyBiggerTown for groceries and other needed items. We got a bunch of appetizers for dinner. Which were really good and filling. We got tempura coated chicken chunks, coconut covered shramp, and mozzarella sticks.

We watched Bullet Train. What a good movie. Great action, mystery, comedy, with an awesome cast. I won’t go too far into it. I just don’t want to spoil it. If you’re in Canada, and have Amazon Prime, definitely check it out. After that, we switched over to Netflix, to finish The Witcher: Blood Origin. It was pretty good, but it didn’t really need to have the Witcher attached to it. It was a perfectly good fantasy that didn’t have to be part of the Witcher universe.

Today is Sunday. Chore day. So shortly I’ll be getting ready to do laundry. Heck yeah laundry! Heck yeah 2023! Heck yeah new year new me!

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