So give them blood, blood – gallons of the stuff

Good morning, happy Friyay! Today is my first full day at work. I have to find out if I’m working tomorrow. That’ll be interesting. All by myself, 4 hours a day and a half training. I’m gonna talk with the other newbie, but a newbie that’s been there a week or two longer than me, and say you take this Saturday, and I’ll do next after I get some more real life experience.

The sleep was ok. Definitely better than the night before. But not the best. It still took a while to fall asleep. Some strange dreams – army mess hall, and unable to control my bladder. Strange!

But first, my coffee should be ready to consume. Mmm! Coffee!

I’m just looking forward to coming home, and chatting with Crystal! I am happy I got a job. I just gotta get used to getting up, and moving with a purpose again. Happy Friyay, friends!

Oh, before I forget, I’m planning on moving the Lockup Library Book Club to Sunday afternoon. That way it doesn’t interfere with my on/off work schedule.

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