So deck those halls – trim those trees

Good morning everyone. I’m just gonna cut to the point. I had a much better sleep than the night before. It still took a few minutes to fall asleep, and sleep was light before the alarm went off. But it was a better sleep than the night before.

I could’ve slept for another couple of hours. But I forced myself to get up and dressed.


So I’ve been internally freaking out because we’re expecting lots of snow – like 25 centimetres of snow. Sounds like a lot huh? Well I just did a cm to inch converter. It’s only like 9.8 inches. That’s not a lot. I don’t have to freak out anymore. I’m not worried at all now. I’m getting used to Celsius but centimetres and that stuff. Still working on it.

So just two full days of work. Today, and tomorrow. Thursday, we close at 2. Thursday at 3, I’ll probably be wrapping the gifts for mom, dad, and gramma. Because that’s how I roll.

Happy Tuesday y’all.

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