Snap and clap and touch your toes raise your hands, now body roll

Good morning all you motherfuckers out there. That’s right, it’s me, ya boy. It’s the lords day, yo. What’re you gonna do about it? I know what I’m going to do!

Laundry and chores.

Sweet, right?

We’re both up, and the kitties are snuggling on the back table watching to world go by. We’re watching the Olympics on the CBC. I only had to log in again. Hopefully, I won’t have to do that again.

Other than that, we don’t have too much planned. I remembered before tomorrow morning, to turn on the alarm again. I only have one opening shift this week.

We went out to SlightlyBiggerTown yesterday for groceries and other supplies. Once again we got there at the right time, and no lines, no waiting. We quickly stopped at the pharmacy, weed store, and the final stop at Subway for a to go lunch.

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