Slow it down, read the sign, so you know just where you are going

I’m pretty sure the alarm scared me. I did have to get up in the night, but it was a lot later than normal – I think it was either 5:30, or around 6:30. I can’t remember. All I can remember is trying to get out of bed as quietly as possible to not wake the slumbering chicky. But, she was probably awake, and wondering why I was moving in slow motion.

It looks like it’ll be mostly sunny today, and warm. High of 82° today. It’s nice outside right now. It does feel very weird that it’s dark at 9pm again. Fall is quickly coming. And you know what they say: Winter is coming. I know people don’t want to hear that, but yeah. Stupid winter.

But today should be nice. I don’t have any plans for today. Other than brunch, the day is open. Full of possibilities. Maybe we’ll go outside, possibly we’ll stay inside – who knows?

I do know I’ll be making waffles today. And other yummy stuff for brunch today. But for right now, we’re just relaxing on the couch while the kittens are on the table looking out the back door in a nice sunbeam.

Happy kitties.

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