Sleigh bells ring, are you listening?

Good morning everyone. Happy Tuesday. I slept like the dead last night. I think I even had dreams. They’re fading quickly. At this point, I just know I had them. I’m pretty sure they’re a Law & Order related. We’ve been watching a lot of Law & Order lately.

Coffee has been brewed, cats have been fed. Chaucer is watching a big truck go by, and Pippin is just using me as a jungle gym.

We didn’t do a whole lot yesterday. Around 9ish, I got up and dressed, and walked to the auto parts store to buy some oil for the Hot Mess Express. Got the oil in it, and it cleaned off and warmed up. After that, we just went to the little grocery store to get some staple foods, then came back and I cooked us some brunch.

We just watched tv in the couch and snuggled all afternoon and into the evening.

But today is a new day. Up and at them! Let’s do this!

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