Singing Sweet home Alabama all summer long

Good morning! It’s a gray and overcast day out there. But it’s warm, so yesterday Crystal put a chair so Pippin could look out the back door. It’s still warmish so I put her table back. I believe she’s currently sitting watching the sun rise.

Yesterday was my first day back to work after my holiday. I was by myself for most of the day, our accountant scared the crap out of me. I planned this so I wouldn’t have to deal with anyone, and kinda just get things done.

It was a busy morning. I figured that my desk would be covered in a “stream of consciousness” if post-it notes and scraps of paper. I was close. It was neatly stacked on my desk. So I. Started at the top and just worked through it. I think I got most of the notes either looked at, or totally taken care of. BossLady was flying yesterday, and couldn’t be reached. Today, I’m sure she’ll be calling a couple of times.

It’s all good.

I’m not going to think about it right now, now is the time for coffee. And the coffee is good.

Oh happy days!

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