She’s the sweetest thing that I know

It’s Thursday, so that means the second hand shop is open. Nothing that jumped out at me today. Which is ok, you can’t hit a home run each time you’re up to bat, amirite?

Right now, it’s sunny, and pretty windy out. The sky looks a live out there, and I’m better at taking pictures of the clouds than I am, say taking a selfie. But that’s ok!

Nothing at the post office either, but it’s nice to get out for a walk in the sun. The wind isn’t even that bad, just some bad gusts. It’s only blowing at about 30kph.

Now, I’ll be sous chef to my mom, we’re going to be baking some muffins. I don’t know what kind, but some baking will get done!

Also, the Vindaloo I cooked yesterday will be served for dinner tonight over some rice. I was so afraid that mom and gramma wouldn’t like it, but I didn’t put any spicy spice in it, but it still tastes really good!

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