She’s the best damn woman that I ever seen

Pass the coffee, please. It’s Monday, and the winds have finally stopped here. But it’s just a gray day here so far. I haven’t looked at the forecast yet, but according to it last night, the sun is supposed to come out and play sometime today.

I think.

I was out like a light last night. I didn’t hear Pippin too much in the night. Around 4ish this morning, I got up to go to the bathroom, and she was sleeping on the over-the-toilet organizer. I gave her a pet, and said “come to bed, little one.” Within a minute or two, she was snuggled up and sleeping again.

I woke up a little anxious and nervous this morning. Just some butterflies in my tummy. It’ll go away in time, but it’s still disconcerting. I have it easy though – Crystal hasn’t been sleeping all that great for like 3 weeks now I think. Her anxiety is much worse than mine.

So yeah, I don’t have anything planned for the day. Brunch, later. I still have to figure out something for dinner tonight. The week in between shopping trips always is a little light on meals. But I’ll figure it out. I always do.

Happy Monday everyone.

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