Shake it to the right
If ya know that you feel fine

Well, once again the alarm scared the crap out of me. It was a good sleep this morning. The sun isn’t really too bright, but the sun I believe out. I didn’t look up too much when I was outside. The birds are singing, however.

Good morning everyone. We’re on the “bonus” day. It’s a long weekend here, and possibly where you are too if you’re in North America. There could be a holiday elsewhere too. If there is, tell me about it. I’m interested in learning about it.

It’s a Monday morning here. But pretty much a day that ends in a y, Chaucer has a change of purging his breakfast. It was just a little pile of it this morning. I don’t blame him, his bowl was completely empty. I’m sure in his mind, he was never going to get fed again. And when he was fed, he had to eat fast and a lot, just in case this was the only good he was ever going to get.

I borrowed a vacuum from my mom yesterday. Toaster is a good vacuum, but I think he’s a little overwhelmed with two cats, and two humans. Add to that Crystal crafting, the poor little vacuum just can’t keep up. So I borrowed a Dyson, and later this morning, I’ll probably vacuum once or twice to make sure that everything is all picked up. The cats will hide. Well, Chaucer probably will Pippin has no fear with loud noises.

Pippin is up in the front window. And Chaucer is up on my lap, looking pretty proud of himself. When the alarm went off, I’m pretty sure that for a split second all the kitties were snuggled on the bed. Of course as soon as the radio comes on, Chaucer thinks that food will be provided as soon as I start moving. Pippin just wants a table ride to the back door to look out the window.

Ok, let’s get the day started, and get a refill of coffee. Happy Monday everyone! Happy May Long as well!

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