See people rockin’ yeah people chantin’ feelin’ hot hot hot

Yep, I’m up. I was originally up at 5, but I managed to convince my mind that getting up at five would be overkill. Getting up at 6 is overkill, but here we are this morning.

Yesterday was a busy day, but I still managed to fit in a nap. We travelled to SlightlyBiggerTown for supplies. We hit the grocery store, the discount store, the pharmacy, and the weed store, finally stopping at Subway on the way back to TinyTown.

After the groceries were put away, and the subs consumed. My body said it was time to lay down, by making my eyelids so heavy, I couldn’t keep them open.

Post nap, we headed out to the little restaurant, and had a really good dinner. Stuffed full, we came home and hunkered down onto the couch. We watched some Netflix, and then watched some Tubi, then we went to bed.

Now we’re awake. It’s gonna be a scorcher out there I think. Time to get ready for work now. Happy Saturday y’all.

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