Right between the sound machine

At one point I heard Crystal whisper-yell to the cats this morning to stop it with their bullshit. I gather that they were fighting this morning. I’m told that it was Pippin that started the scuffle. I think I slept through the fun.

Good morning my friends. It’s a gray Sunday morning. It’s been gray the past couple of days. I think/hope that we’re in for some real rain. According to the weather app, we should be getting some rain on Tuesday. But that’s only a 30% chance so far.

Yesterday was the day of sloth and gluttony. We didn’t really do anything yesterday. We did get rid of the big leather chair that was in the living room corner. We never use it – the cats do. And it’s big, and takes up a lot of space. Now we have more room. Crystal can spread out when she’s sewing, and she now has access to a closet for all her supplies. It feels like in the living room, we can breathe a little more in here. It doesn’t feel as cramped.

So after that, we figured out what we wanted for dinner. I made nachos. And it was good. Real good. We pigged out with nachos.

I finished off the Mission: Impossible movie collection on Paramount+ I think I started last weekend, or the weekend before; watching all the movies. It’s been a while for some of them, and the first time for the rest of them. They’re great popcorn flicks.

Today? It’s chore day. I’ll start them in a hour or so. First we have to wake up just a little. Then it’ll be time to clean. But first coffee. Happy Sunday y’all!

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