Pussycat, pussycat I’ve got flowers and lots of hours to spend with you

Good morning party people! It’s me, on a rare week day day off! Today is the day that I bond with the force of nature currently going by the moniker “kitty” as I try and figure out what a good name would be for her.

Choosing a name is easier when Crystal was beside me in the drive home. I thought I had a name picked out for her. However, the name was good but didn’t seem to fit with her. I have a couple of other names that I’m toying with, but I will figure out a good name for her.

Last night was a lot better. There was no up and down up and down. She jumped up on the bed, and this is where I opened my eyes to watch her. She “stood guard” for a minute or two, then curled up next to my face and went to sleep.

But right now, she’s laying on top of me. And I have to get up to blow my nose lol.

And I need more coffee.

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