Our cheeks are nice and rosy and comfy and cozy are we (ring-a-ling-a ding-dong-ding!)

So, good morning. It’s about that time again, isn’t it. It’s dark, and like the weather app said, it snowed overnight. I shoveled the linai, and it was big fluffy snow, which is really nice. It’s light, and easy to shovel. I could hear the sounds of the plows moving around, so that’s a good thing.

Not to sound like a broken record, but I passed out as soon as my head hit the pillow. At 2:30, I woke up and needed to use the bathroom. My head was in a weird position, so it was very stiff. I hobbled to the bathroom, did my business, and crawled into bed.

I felt/heard Chaucer jump down off the bed, where he proceeded to sing the song of his people. He stopped that very quickly (some say too quickly), and then started to play with a rattle toy!! Thankfully, he either played for only a few seconds, or I fell asleep and he played for a few minutes.

I guess we’ll never know the true answer.

But we’re awake, and we have coffee. So let’s slowly get the day started. The weekend is almost here!

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