Oh I rush and rush until life’s no fun

Look who’s back, back again. Book Clubs back. It’s the third week of the Lockup Library Book Club. We’re almost to the end of The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova. I hope you guys are enjoying this as much as I am.

The Historian chapters 41-60

Ok guys, it’s starting to get good. There’s action, in little bits, and you’re left wanting more. Is there going to be a pay off? I sure hope so. But there’s two stories going on at once, and that’s basically my modus operandi by now.

All of a sudden, boom! there’s a secret society, and that’s pretty much my bread and butter, especially after Foucault’s Pendulum. (Which by the way, y’all HAVE to read.)

This secret society is tasked with making sure that Dracula stays dead, and doesn’t hurt anyone else. Let’s just say the society does what it’s tasked with, and dispatches someone that they think will shortly be turning into a vampire.

Now, the main characters in the 1930’s are on their way to Bulgaria, and the secondary characters in the 1970’s are deep in France, looking for them? Confused? Good. Who has two thumbs and won’t spoil anything?

This guy!

Alright ladies and gentlemen, we’re on the final push now. All we have to read are chapters 61-79, and we’ll be finished this awesome vampire book. And just in time for Halloween.

Next week when we come together for the final Book Club Meeting for The Historian, I’ll unveil the next book up for the Lockup Library Book Club treatment!

Happy reading everyone.

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