No, we didn’t light it, but we tried to fight it

Good Tuesday morning, super friends. It’s a wet Tuesday morning here. It looks like it rained sometime in the night. I couldn’t tell you how much or how long, let’s just say I don’t have to water the plants this morning.

Yesterday was a very very nice relaxing day. We didn’t do a whole lot of anything. We went outside and took some pictures for her clothing website. After that, we came in and I struggled to play TotK handheld – the power cord died.

I lasted an hour or so, before it got too hard to see what I was really doing. So I put that down.

So after dinner, Crystal says “I think I’m going to burn tonight..” ok! Let’s get the party started! We gathered all the safety supplies and waited until dark.

It. Was. Magical.

She did so freakin awesome!

Head over to her site and see how it went! Happy Tuesday y’all!

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