Nibblin’ on sponge cake watchin’ the sun bake

Good morning! It was almost a good sleep. I almost made it through the whole night. It was only the last hour, or hour and a half at the end, that I was uncomfortable, and tossy turny. So more than likely, I’ll be almost a 100% tonight. Hopefully.

It’s bright and sunny, and the kittens are both on the back door table, soaking up the sun. They love the back door table, and will fight to see who gets control of the table. They take turns being high commandant of the table. It’s quiet, so they are sharing control of the table.

Yesterday wasn’t actually too bad. BossLady was in a pretty good mood, and we were joking around, and I had some tasks that I wanted to complete. I got one done, but we went in another direction. Get this, I swept the deck, then I washed it off in an effort to make it look clean, and not all dusty and dingy.

But now it’s the long weekend, or the way a lot of people call it here – the September long. That’s how they talk about all the long weekends around here. Weird huh? When I first got hear and heard that, it kinda confused me to hear phrases like that. Now it still sounds strange.

Not too much on tap for today. We have to go into SlightlyBiggerTown for a weed run. I got a little extra commission in the check, so I’ll be surprising Crystal by actually buying some weed, while she picks up the vape cartridges. Then all we will have to do is figure out the lunch situation.

Look at me, writing a novel here. How many have actually made it this far? The kittens are chasing a fly. Well Pippin is, Chaucer just stares at them. He couldn’t care less about flies, or other little buggies. Old man is gonna old.

So fill up your coffee mugs and salute the September long. The last weekend of the summer. And you know what that means, don’t you?

Winter is coming.

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