Mix it up with something strong I feel a sin comin’ on

It was a froggy morning here in TinyTown when I woke from my slumber. I went to bed a lot earlier than I really wanted to, but I adjusted the heat on my vape, and it totally kicked my ass. I passed out around 8:30. Only up once, maybe twice in the night to go to the bathroom, etc.

Still, 4:30 came wicked early in the morning. But I rolled out of bed, and started my day. Lemme tell you, it didn’t get too exciting once I got to work. It was slow. I made it through though.

My birthday weekend wasn’t too bad. I got some hoodies from my parents, but I don’t think they’ll fit. I asked for 1X or 2X, so they’ll fit after they’ve been washed. I got two from my parents, and they’re only a large. They barely fit.

The turkey dinner was really good though.

Crystal is wrapping my presents just a couple of feet in front of me, I can’t wait to see what she chose for me. Chaucer is licking and chewing on the plastic. Pippin is off doing Pippin things.

And I get to get up and do it all again tomorrow. I love the smell of capitalism in the morning!

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