Making love out by the lake to our favorite song

Good morning to all my adoring fans out there. I hope you can see me waving through the snow that’s falling. Yep. Snow. Falling.

But Shawshank, it’s just about April. Yes, yes it is.

You were saying that the snow was just about gone?! Yep. But on a good note, it’s supposed to be above freezing for the next weekish, so the snow that’s falling right now, will hopefully be gone either when we wake up tomorrow or gone by the end of the weekend.


Yesterday wasn’t too bad at work. It was busier than the day before. Maybe because of the snow coming, but I didn’t hear too many people talking about it. I’m sure they’ll be talking about it today.

And we have absolutely nothing to do this weekend. It’s nice to not have anything planned. Of course, there’s chores, and dinner at Shady Acres. But that’s completely it.

On a scale of chairman mao to hacksaw Jim Duggan, how free are you this weekend? Well, my friends, I’m pretty much Bobcat Goldthwait this weekend.

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