The Beautiful One let me sleep in. It was nice because I don’t think I slept too well last night. It took me a while to get to sleep. It was really warm last night. I was tossy and turny, and when I got up in the night, I was moist. Yes. I know.
So yeah. That’s my sleep story last night.
Good times huh?
Yesterday at work wasn’t too bad. The time went pretty quickly until about 5:30. But it’s always like that. Time seems to crawl. And crawl it did. But finally, the time came and I wasn’t on my a game but I managed to get everything done. We’ll see what I messed up when I go into work tomorrow.
I don’t plan on doing shit today, other than the chores from Sunday. But other than that? Nothing. I’m gonna do nothing. Crystal wanted to make a “punch-pussy” on Skyrim, so there’s a change I get to see a master of the ‘Rim do here thing, and I can slowly watch her newly created character morph into a stealth archer.
Eventually they are do!