Lockup Library questions for you guys

Hey book nerds. I’m sitting here wracking my brain to figure out what to post – bookish stuff.

I’ll admit, I have no idea what I’m doing here. It’s hard to know if what I am doing is right. I get no feed back from people reading. At this point I don’t even know if people are reading what I write.

I post stuff looking for feedback, or some sort of interaction. I get nothing. EDIT: the last 10 book posts (at least 4 asked for feed back) I got NO comments. Nothing. Nathan. Nada. It’s very frustrating.

What do you guys want to see?

Hello, is this on? – taps microphone.

I post for me, I really really do. I do however hope for some interaction. It’s hard to spend time and energy into book blogging when people just scroll by. Do I need flashier graphics? I don’t know. I think I will keep posting about book stuff. I probably should learn how to link back to people and all that stuff.

I guess I’ll have to buckle down and continue putting out bookish content for me. And maybe, just maybe, someone will make a comment.

Until next time, book nerds!

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