Well, here we are again. This will be the harder of all the shifts. I work until close tonight, and then I don’t get to sleep in tomorrow, I’ll be up at 4:30 for first shift on Friyay. In fact, I have to go and change my alarm clock right now, before I forget about it.
There, that’s one less thing I have to try to remember tonight. Now I can come home after work tonight, and pretty much go to bed, and hope I fall asleep somewhat quickly.
Work last night was way better than the night before. You see, the night before, it was pouring rain. Yesterday was bright and sunny. With just a little bit of wind. Today, looks and feels amazing so far. It’s so nice out there, that I’m afraid to look at the weather app.
It was pretty much a normal shift last night. That is until a customer bursts in and says,
“Have you heard the new Shabuzzy song? It’s country. It’s a good song, even though he’s a <insert hard R here>.”
Well me and TisimBoy were shook. Shocked. Didn’t know what to say. Thankfully, it got a little busy, so she bought her cigarettes and left. But we were surprised to say the least.
Hopefully it’s like last night tonight. The weekend is getting closer as we speak. Come on Friday!