Life is like a hurricane here in Duckburg

Well, it’s Tuesday.

And it’s dark out.

But here we are. We’re all awake here. Chaucer is wondering around. I’m hoping herms not just wandering around, looking for a comfy place to get sick. We’ll see.

I pretty much crashed last night. As my head hit the pillow, I think I was already asleep. I think I slept all the way through the night until around 6ish. I kinda woke up, and got a little more comfortable, and I went back to sleep. I think it was a good sleep. The jury’s out on that still.

I think we might have a plan for part of the afternoon. I’ll double check the hours, but we might hit a second hand store in SlightlyBiggerTown. Maybe we’ll even stop at the local grocery store to pick up a turkey breast and all the fixings for a small Thanksgiving dinner here.

But the second hand store will be the priority.

Chaucer has crawled up on my lap. It’s where he likes to be in the mornings, until I start getting up and down. But for now, he’s a happy camper.

So let’s get this Tuesday started! Woohoo!! Tuesday!

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