Life is demanding without understanding

I think I’m awake. I think I was up shortly before the alarm went off. But I quickly fell back asleep when Crystal pulled me into a snuggle. I fell quickly back to sleep. A deep sleep. It was almost like a full nights sleep in about 10-15 minutes.

And now here we are. Awake. Coffee has been brewed, and is currently being consumed. It’s chore day. I’ll be starting that in an hour or so. Usually we go up to Shady Acres for dinner, but since we hung out pretty much all day yesterday, I’m going to text mom in a few hours, and politely decline for this evening.

Yesterday was a pretty good day, we drove to NextProvinceOver to check out an RV show. There’s some pretty good RVs out there, some bigger than The Flat. That’s crazy! We wandered around for about an hour, then went for lunch.

Following lunch, we stopped at Walmart. Neither is or my mom needed a lot of stuff. We did a circle of the store – and walked out with like 4 items. We quickly stopped at a second hand store that was pretty sad, so we hopped back in the truck, and drove home.

We had some left over pizza for dinner, watched some shows, and then went to bed. I can’t speak for Crystal, but I was out like a light.

But first, more coffee.

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