Let the stormy clouds chase everyone from the place come on with the rain

Good morning all. The talks of waking up to a pile of snow is totes false. We’re currently seeing freezing rain. My weather app is a little wrong today. It’s currently saying 10.3cm of snow has fallen. False. Just freezing rain.

We slept in a little today. 7:35 was when my eyes opened. I’m sure that Crystal was up for much longer than that. It gives her time to scheme. Somehow all the blankets ended up on my side this morning. I don’t know how she does it. She also sleeps as far as she can away for me. Maybe I put out too much heat and she’s too warm. That explains how I have all the blankets. She sneaks out of bed, and pulls them all to my side. I’ll try and figure this out and report back as to how she’s doing this witchcraft.

Coffee has been brewed. I don’t know what the plan is for today. I think while I watch Critical Role this afternoon, Crystal will be exploring an underwater world on the Switch. The last time she was here I think we watched the first 4 or 5 episodes, I think todays episode is #38. And since they’re so long, it’s really hard to catch up for her.

Today is also bacon day. Well, more formally known as BRUNCH DAY. Yum!

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