Leonard Bernstein!

Sunday, Sunday, SUNDAY! Amirite? I’m going to sound like a broken record, but it’s a grey, breezy day out there. But it seems like it’ll be a good day for a drive to CapitalCity.

The coffee is brewing and my parents should be picking me up in about 2 hours. I say should be, because we never actually leave when they say we’re going to.

Since the plan was to leave this morning and be gone pretty much all day, I did my laundry yesterday after work. One load went fine. Then on the second, during the spin and drain, something terrible happened; buzzing noise, and then nothing. I contacted the landlord. I pulled all the clothes out of the cold water, and hand wrung them and put them in the dryer.

It’s a long weekend, and I don’t know when it’ll be fixed. But it’ll get fixed. I was pissed and frustrated. Then I had an epiphany. I’m not an owner, I’m a renter. It’s not up to me to pay for a new one.

My mom says I can bring laundry up to ShadyAcres. It’s not ideal, but it’s better than the alternative – not having access to a washer.

Ok, I’ve rambled enough, and the coffee is ready. Chit chat later. Enjoy your day!

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