Just call me angel of the morning, angel

Good morning my friends. It’s been a whirlwind here. From what Crystal says we had thunder, lightning, and some rain in the early hours this morning. I got up, on autopilot, and closed the bedroom window. The wind was making the blinds rattle. Then I went to the bathroom, closed the curtain in the kitchen, then climbed back into bed.

I missed everything!

It’s Tuesday morning, and it’s a little gray out there. The wind, and all the fun stuff from this morning is all over. It looks like a typical “after-storm” here. It’s back to work day today. But it’s a short day. Shouldn’t be too hard of a day. I have a couple of things to do this morning.

The coffee tastes really good this morning. The garbage truck is making his rounds, and just picked up our bin, so the next time I go out, I’ll retrieve the bin and bring it back to the Flat.

It’s pretty humid out there, hopefully that drops just a little bit. 70% humidity is a little too much. But it looks like the day has potential to be a nice hot day. But we’ll see what the day has in store for us.

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