I’ve seen a million faces and I’ve rocked them all

The coffee is all done. I still have a 1/4 full cup beside me. But for all intents and purposes, I’m finished with coffee for the day.

It’s actually been a slight flurry of doing stuff this morning. It’s a somewhat nice day out, so I moved Mr. Banana, the succulents, the Anthurium, and the sunflowers outside. I looked and the sunflowers and wondered if they needed to be repotted. I prepare a new pot, and pop them out. They are just starting to get a little root bound, so I break up the roots a little bit and place them in the new pot. I think they’re happier, or at least will be in their new home.

Now, just watching the livestream of the Depp Heard trial. I think they’re introducing photographs into the trial. I’m sitting here wondering how many of these photos were staged by Amber.

Just two more sleeps until I can reveal a surprise. Wait. That’s so 2000s where you tease something for days, or maybe weeks just so you can get (hopefully) more hits. Not here! In two days, I’m adopting a kitten. We’ll just a little older than a kitten, but not yet a cat.

I have a cat tree, litter, litter box, and food waiting for her to arrived. I’ll be able to pick her up Wednesday after work. I’m very excited and now, just slightly nervous. I hope she likes it here. I think she will.

Ok, time to go again. Have a great Monday you awesome motherfuckers!

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