I’ve become a mental case yeah, this is the job that ate my brain

Good morning, fiends! It’s dark, but doesn’t feel that cold out. I haven’t looked at the weather yet, but when I did yesterday, it should be a nice day out there. We’ll see what the oracle has to say when I look a little later.

So the last hour, hour and a half was the longest stretch of time in a while. I’m proud of myself, I work right up to a minute before I left. I got my jacket on and grabbed the mail. I said good bye to the lady that is helping us, and said goodbye to BossLady. She of course, wanted an update to what I was doing, and said she wanted to “talk”. I told her I’d be around, and then I got the fuck out of dodge. As soon I walked through the door, it did feel like a weight has been lifted. I hope the sale goes well, no that I’m gone, however, if it doesn’t, I don’t really care.

Today, we’re travelling to MostlyBiggerTown. You see it has a Walmart. We’re getting fancy today. We have a list, and I think it’ll be a nice day. Just hanging out and looking at the sights. Oh, and McDonald’s. Yum.

But before all that, I’ll be consuming some coffee, and Crystal has to put on some makeup. It’ll be a nice morning.

So yeah, let’s git er done. Happy Saturday!

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