<insert song lyrics here>

It’s Monday, I think. I climbed into bed last night, and didn’t move until about 6:30. I really don’t think I moved, as I’m a little stiff and sore. It was a great totally do nothing day yesterday. We didn’t get dressed at all, and just lazed about all day.

We played some video games, I read a little, and we ate. That’s about all that we did. Sure, chores were completed, but really that was it. I made us a really good brunch as load #1 was in the dryer. After all the laundry was done, Crystal fired up Disco Elysium and advanced the plot a few pegs on the ladder. After, I played some No Man’s Sky, and totally didn’t advance the plot. I don’t even know how to anymore.

After the shower, I turned on Netflix, and we watched Don’t Worry Darling. Neither of us knew anything about the movie. We went in completely blind. It’s been a long time since we’ve done that. Crystal, about 20 minutes in, asked if this was an A24 movie.

It really felt like an A24 film. It had us guessing all the way to the end of the film I really enjoyed it. After that it was time to wind down from the day. We watched some Antiques Roadshow, and then some TikToks until it was bed time.

And now, here we are. It’s a holiday here today, Family Day. I get to spend family day working. Hopefully, it’ll be like Saturday. That was a pretty good day, and it went quickly, and without issue. Let’s have another day like that, shall we?

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