<insert song lyrics here>

Awake. And I’m not liking it. I woke up at some point m, I think around 6 or so. My mind went good morning my friend, it’s Tuesday. You have to go back to work today. Also, BossLady will be there, and she hasn’t been there for a week. Have fun with that information this morning.

Anxious. For some reason this am. Very anxious. I don’t know why. Just really on edge this morning. And it was way to warm in the bedroom to snuggle.

The power went off sometime in the night. My alarm clock, when the power goes out, saves the time but not the radio station. I’ll have to fix that before I go to sleep tonight.

It’s kind of a dim morning. Warm and you can feel the humidity out there. It’s gonna be a sticky one today, I think. Yeah, very sticky. I just looked that the temp.

Crystal got up long before I did, so she got the coffee all set. She’s pretty awesome. I love her a lot. I don’t know what I’d do without her. For one thing, I would’ve had to turn the coffee on this morning.

Repeat after me – it’s gonna be a good day. It’s gonna be a good day.

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