I’m talking about everybody getting crunk, crunk

Good morning everyone. It’s morning. It looked like it rained yet again in the early hours. Hopefully it’ll be a nice day out there. I also hope that work will be problem free, and the time will move quickly.

We climbed into bed last night. I sunk into the mattress, and I don’t think I woke up until about 5:30 this morning. It felt like a really good sleep.

Working the Saturday shift today. I’ll be going in a little early to make sure I get the opening stuff done as quickly as possible. But that’s in a few hours, I’m happy to sip on some coffee and watch some murders on Dateline. I’ll probably shower in a little bit.

Chaucer is stalking around looking for a lap, but I’ll be getting up in a sec. So I should go and do my morning stuff. Happy Saturday y’all!

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