I’m noddin’ my head like, yeah

Good morning, my friends. It’s a bright and sunny day out there, with just a hint of a breeze. According to the weather app, it’s gonna be another hot one out there. High of 88°. I didn’t open the kitchen curtain, to try and keep it a little cooler in here this morning, I think it’s gonna be nasty hot today.

Yesterday was a slow slow slow day at work, I had a couple of things to do first thing, but other than that, I was the body in case some one came in or called. I have a feeling that it’s gonna be the same today. I may have a delivery either today or tomorrow. So we’ll see if something comes today. Or if it’ll be a perfect storm of two deliveries tomorrow.

Coffee has been brewed and we have the news on. We’re both waking up here. I think I slept all the way through the night, and Crystal dozed all the way until the alarm went off.

So let’s get this morning started. It’s Thursday, and we’re inching closer to the weekend. It’s almost Friday. We can make it. Happy Thursday!

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