I’m gonna take two weeks, gonna have a vacation

Good morning. I’m wicked groggy this morning. I woke up at some point in the night. I get up and do my business in the bathroom. I could hear kids or someone yelling outside. It sounded like they were looking for a pet or something. After a couple of yells they faded off into the night. I don’t know what time it was. I didn’t look at a clock. I climbed back into bed, and snuggled in. The next time I woke up, the clock said 6:44.

I thought it was Monday.

It is not Monday.

Back to work this morning.

Yesterday was a really nice day. I cooked brunch, as usual. It was a good meal. And for the first time in a while, I got the amount of hash browns right, and I was full until a later than normal dinner. We didn’t do a whole bunch of anything. We did head over to the post office to send out another pair of pants someone bought. Then we popped over to the grocery store and bought some milk and soda.

We just relaxed and played video games all day. Oh, and we took out and washed the tye-dye. It came out really well. My socks look like a virus, but they’re still wearable.

And now, here we are. Tuesday morning. I think I need a refill of coffee. I should go get some.

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