If you’re a man at all oh, I will figure this one out on my own

It’s dark. It was dark when we went to bed, and it’s dark when we wake up. Winter is coming. This is just the herald of winter. First they take away our warmth, then they take our light. They’ve already taken the ground. Winter is coming.

Yesterday was whirl wind. We got up at the normal time, and while I drank my go-go juice, Crystal put on her makeup. Then, after the truck warmed up a little, we were off to MostlyBiggerTown to do some shopping. We got into town around 11, and jumped right into the local Walmart. You never really forget the sounds of Walmart. They’re universal. Screaming child, just the regular din of low level noise. Check.

We started in aisle 1 in the food department, and pretty quickly went through them all, filling the cart with food. We had to backtrack once or twice, then we moved on the clothing. We split up, and I went to men’s wear, because I’m a man. I looked around and threw some socks in the cart. I walked back and looked for Crystal. My first pass didn’t reveal her, so I wandered back into men’s wear to see if there were any racks with clearance. I did find a warm jacket that I liked. It was just a little expensive. But it was on sale for 30% off. I stuffed it into the shopping cart and went off to find Crystal.

We reunited and I showed her. She agreed with me that I needed a warm jacked and said it was a good deal. There were only a couple of more items that we needed, so we went off in search of them. After we found them, and paid for everything, we drove across the plaza, and stopped at the dispensary, and then went off to McDonald’s for lunch on the road. We made good time coming back.

When we got back, I helped put stuff away, then went to fuel up the truck, and drop it off at my parents place. I walked back to the flat. It was a gorgeous afternoon. When I arrived, we went back out to the Hot Mess, and drove to Town Hall and experienced the towns winter craft fair. Mostly MLM tables and canned goods. We spent the most time over at the libraries tables, looking at the books. Nothing of substance jumped out at us, so we went home.

After dinner, we both struggled to stay awake, so after the movie (Pitch Perfect), we watched some TikTok and went to bed a little early.

I woke up around 4 I think, and successfully navigated from the bed to the bathroom, and back again with my eyes completely closed. I climbed back into bed, and snuggled into Crystal.

And now here we are! Sunday Sunday SUNDAY. Chore day. We’ll start that a little later. But for right now, coffee and dateline. What a nice way to wake up.

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