If you wanna see Heaven, brother, here’s your chance

‘‘Twas the night before Independence Day, and all through the town, not a creature was stirring… well not really this is a farming community, most people have probably been up since the sun rose this morning, because it’s Canada, and our holiday has already passed. Tomorrow is simply Sunday here.

We’re actually in the middle of the Canada day long weekend here, and I’m up and dressed and slowly getting ready for work. Coffee is brewing and the alarm didn’t surprise me this morning, although I wasn’t expecting it to go off so I’m a little groggy.

It’s gonna be another hot day here, it’s coolish right now, but it’s supposed to be about 5 degrees hotter than yesterday. The heat that was in BC the last week has now stretched from there over us to Ontario. They’re saying it should be over by Monday.

Ok the coffee is ready, time to go. It’s a good day, to have a good day.

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