If you can’t take the heat, get your ass out the kitchen. We on a mission

Well howdy, friends. It’s a slightly bright, gray day out there. Still windy out. I think we have a couple of more windy days.

BREAKING NEWS: Pippin snuck into bed this morning, and curled up and snuggled me. If the alarm had gone off this morning, that wouldn’t have happened. We had shut our alarms off last night, in an effort to sleep in. I opened my eyes slightly before 7am. Pippin popped up shortly after that. So we snuggled until Chaucer sat up and stared at her.

Yesterday we had plans to go out to the farm. Mom had texted me and said to call dad before going out there. So that’s what I did. He said we probably shouldn’t come out because one of the wheels fell off one of the combines, and he’d be repairing that. We said no problems and quickly made other plans.

When I looked up and the living room window was covered in rain, so we just decided to stay in and snuggle on the couch. Probably an hour into that, my phone rings. It’s my dad asking in his own special way if we wanted to drive to get parts. We said sure, and hopped into the Hot Mess Express, and drove to SlightlyBiggerTown. From there it was out to the farm. I made it there without GPS. Not too shabby!

I don’t know what the plan is today. I’m just waiting for pay day on Friday. Maybe I’ll walk over to the museum, and give them a call for a special walk through of it, since they closed for the season in August.

But for now, just curled up on the couch, consuming some wonderful Floridian coffee. Happy Wednesday!!

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