I walk around in the Summer time, saying, “How about this heat?”

Well, so far, it’s a bright and sunny day. According to my trust weather app, it’s supposed to just be a gray day today. A lot cooler than the last couple of days, only hitting the mid 60s today.

Good morning! Happy Saturday! I have nothing planned for today. I know it’s far off, but I gotta figure out what I’m going to me having for dinner tonight.

I slept pretty good last night. Under all the blankets. Some time in the middle of the night, I had to go and use the bathroom. Then I just got under the top blanket, because I was warm.

I woke up when the alarm went off, just a little cold. But the coffee is warming me up. on the tv, reruns of Dateline. Maybe I’ll go through my book cases, and see if there’s any I want to drop off at the second hand store. We’ll see. Like I said, no plans today. The day is mine.

So let’s start the day!

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