I saw a werewolf with a Chinese menu in his hand

So I just finished watching The Twilight Saga: New Moon. Like the book, and Chinese food (man would I love some Chinese food), it leaves you feeling empty, yet wanting more.

Like the book, the movie is the weakest of the Saga. It does have a good representation of depression, although the book, in my opinion, does it so much better.

It’s a wolf thing.

What a joke!

It’s a vampire thing. It’s a Canadian thing. It’s a coffee thing. It’s a bacon thing. It’s a hipster thing.

What does that even mean?

Listen, the movie is 130 minutes long. In that, there’s approximately 2.5-4 minutes of actual move the plot a head action. .0345 minutes of Aro laughing (not as good as in Breaking Dawn pt 2 – but I digress), and way too many minutes of wet, 80% naked man-children. Really, he looks sticky.

Course I guess every Saga can have a weak movie in it. I mean look at Return of the Jedi. Stuffed bears. And don’t get me started in all three movies of The Hobbit.

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