It was a tossy turny night last night. I just couldn’t really find a comfortable position. Then there was Chaucer singing as we were falling asleep. I’d like to hope that he eventually made it up on the bed. I don’t think it was up when I got up around 1ish to use the bathroom.
Work wasn’t too bad last night. It was a quiet night. We were expecting the Pepsi truck last night, but it never showed up. I’m sure that it’ll show up tonight either before or after the other truck that we’re expecting. Fun times.
I have Pippin snuggled up on my legs this morning. Chaucer has mountain climbed on to Crystal’s lap, so each kitty is very happy now. Pippin won’t be too happy when I get up in a couple minutes.
So yeah that’s the updates from north of the wall. Hopefully your Tuesday will be a great day, and time will move quickly.