I love you, now you cannot pretend

Good morning, it’s Friyay! I’ve been up on and off since about 5am. One of the kittens decided that time would be a good time to run all over the house like a crazy person.

They sounded like they were having fun. I drifted back to sleep for a while, then up just long enough to look at the clock, and go back to sleep. I snuggled, and was snuggled.

Alarm goes off, I do my usual routine. Get up, dressed, and bathroom stuff. Go out and turn the coffee on, and feed the kittens. I throw on my slippers and head outside. It’s snowed, and then the winds happened and it’s drifted all over the place. It almost looks worse than yesterday. We’ll see if BossLady comes in today.

But we’re awake and ready to greet the day. The office Christmas party is tonight. It was supposed to be yesterday, but more snow fell then, than today. I can’t forget the Christmas presents for BossLady, and NewNewGirl. I had to hid them, because Chaucer likes to lick and eat the plastic bows.

Ok I need to refill my coffee, and eventually get outside and do some shovelling. Happy Friyay everyone!

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