I got lost in the sounds

Good morning, my friends. Not too bad of a sleep, except for a small coughing fit around 3:30-4 this morning. I got up coughing, blew my nose a few times, and drank some water. I snuck back into bed and snuggled a slightly too warm Crystal. It’s ok, I snuggled her until I found comfort on my back, and probably kept everyone awake with my snoring.

But we’re all awake here. The sun is shining, but it’s a chilly day out there. I don’t think it’s going to get too much warmer today. I think it’s only a high of mid 70s today. Not too warm, not too cool.

Yesterday at work was slow. No voicemails, not texts from the box, and no repliable emails to follow up on. I did what I could, but pretty much watched YouTube videos until it was time to leave.

Both of us played Skyrim yesterday. Me, stumbling blinds around, slowly getting used to the controls. It’s fun, and I really want to like it, and maybe I will. It’s just a massive learning curve.

Damn, this is a fine cup of coffee this morning. Happy Wednesday y’all!

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