Good morning my friends. It’s Christmas Day here, and what Christmas presents have arrived, have been opened. I got a kick ass pair of gloves for work, my digits will totes be warm! I got Crystal something that she said she liked in passing, and she loved it, I think.
This morning I tried to buy White Christmas on Amazon, but I don’t think it worked it’s been a while since I’ve bought something online, it’s supposed to be instant right? I ended up purchasing it on YouTube. Instant. We’re watching it now. And of course, I’m (and I’m sure Crystal is a little) emotional. For Crystal, it’s big sweeping visuals and beautiful music, for me – Christmas. I always get emotional when it’s just me and Crystal.
Today will be an action packed day. First stop is at the Lodge to have lunch with Gramma, and to place a FaceTime call to my aunt and uncle in Florida. That should be fun. Then back to the Flat for a little bit, then to Shady Acres for Christmas dinner. I have to wonder if my dad will put on National Lampoons Christmas Vacation when we get there. We’ll exchange some presents. The bulk of the presents will arrive a couple of days. It was just timing, and my pay check. I’ll do better.